Persuasive Writing Prompts for Middle School & High School

60 pers. writing prompts for ms and hs1. Convince your parents to raise your allowance. 

2. Should at least two years of foreign language classes be required for high-school graduation?

3. Should there be a dress code at your school?

4. Persuade your parents to listen to your favorite music.

5. Your principal has asked you to suggest one way of improving your school to make it a better place for students.  Think about the changes that are needed at your school.  Pick one change you feel would really make a difference.  Write an essay to convince your principal that your idea is one that should be adopted.

6. Convince your teacher to read a favorite book of yours to the class.

7. Children watch too much television.  Do you agree?  Take a stand and support it.  Convince your reader of your position.

8. Are part-time jobs for high school students a good thing or do they hinder getting an education?  Take a stand.

9. Students are allowed to drop out of school at age 16.  Should the state lower the school dropout age?  Write an essay to support your view on the subject.

10. Should your school require uniforms?  Convince your reader why or why not uniforms should or should not be required in your school.

11. Convince your parents to take you to a particular place.

12. Should gum chewing (use whatever is forbidden at your school) be allowed on the school campus?

13. Should community service be a requirement for graduation from high school?

14. Suppose you want a pet, and your parents are not sure you should have one.  Think of the reasons for having a pet.  Think of what you can say that would change your parents’ minds.  Write a paper to convince your parents to allow you to have a pet.

15. Persuade your mom to let you have your favorite food any time you want it.

16. Should the state legislature add ten days to the school year?  Write to convince your reader of your side of the argument.

17. Should we do away with extra-curricular activities such as Art, P.E., and Music and go back to the basics, or are these classes necessary to a student’s education?

18. Should homework be eliminated?

19. Considering the rights of non-smokers, write an essay about whether smoking should or should not be permitted in public places.  Convince your reader of your position.

20. Should students be allowed to drop out of school?

21. If you could make a suggestion to change the school dress code, what one suggestion would you make? Now write to convince your reader to adopt your suggestion.

22. Your teacher has asked for suggestions on a place to visit for a field trip.  Where would you like to go?  Now write to convince your reader to adopt your suggestion.

23. We have rules everywhere.  Argue to support the need to change a rule or situation that affects you.

24. Vandalism is becoming a problem in today’s society.  Do you think teenagers who vandalize should pay fines or serve mandatory community service to help repair the damage?  Write an essay to convince your reader of your position.

25. Should students hold after-school jobs?  Convince your reader of your point of view.

26. Parents, courts, and cities often impose curfews on teenagers.   What do you think of curfews?  Are they helpful in saving lives and keeping teenagers out of trouble, or are they just another insult to responsible teenagers?  Think of some arguments to support your opinion.  Alternative for younger students: Most people make their children come in before dark.  What do you think of this?  Does having to come home early keep kids out of trouble, or are they just another insult to responsible kids?  Think of some arguments to support your opinion.  Now, write an essay to convince your reader of your opinion regarding requiring kids to be home after dark.

27. Many adults disagree whether sex education should be taught in the schools.  What is your opinion on this matter?  Should sex education be taught in the schools?  Take a stand.  Write an essay to convince your reader of your point of view on whether sex education should be taught in the schools or not.  Alternative for younger students: Some things are taught in school that students do not think should be taught.  Think of one thing you are required to learn in school that you do not think should be included in the curriculum.  Now, write an essay to convince your teachers to abandon that part of the curriculum.

28. The state writing assessment test puts pressure on students and their teachers.  On the other hand, student writing all over the country has improved since this test has been implemented.  What is your opinion on the matter?  Should there be a state writing  assessment test, or should this particular test be eliminated?  Write an essay to convince your state of your opinion on whether there should (or should not) be a state writing assessment test.

29. Parents, schools, and society all impose rules, but schools especially have a set of rules that must be followed.  Think of one school rule that you really dislike.  Think of some arguments against having this rule at your school.  Now, write an essay to convince your principal and teachers to abandon this particular rule.

30. Universities require that an entering freshman must have taken at least two years of a foreign language in high school in order to be considered for admission.  Some teacher and politicians think that high schools should require two years of a foreign language for graduation.  What do you think of this possible requirement?  Should high schools require two years of studying a foreign language for graduation?  There are many arguments for and against this.  Write an essay to convince the powers-that-be whether or not two years of a foreign language should be a requirement for graduation from high school.

Alternative for younger students: Research has shown that the younger you are, the easier it is to learn a foreign language.  Should we start requiring that students begin taking a foreign language in elementary school?  Take a stand, and convince your reader of your opinion on requiring foreign language in elementary school.

31. Most families assign chores to the children (teenagers).  Most children (teens) object to having these chores imposed upon them. What is your opinion?  Do you think that children should have assigned chores to do at home, or do you think you have enough to do already?

32. There is controversy (argument) going on in the country about requiring seat belts in school buses.  What is your opinion?  Should seat belts be required in all school buses?  Write an essay to convince the powers-that-be of your opinion regarding the matter of whether seat belts should be required on school buses.

33. High schools do not offer all the elective courses that students would like to take.  Think of an elective course you would like to take that your school does not offer at this time.  Think of some reasons why you think this course should be offered.  Now, write an essay to convince the administration at your high school to offer the course of your choice.

34. In Europe, the driving age is 18 because those governments feel that teens are not mature enough to handle the responsibility and the rules of driving in order to avoid accidents.  In America, the driving age is still 16.  Some people would like to raise the driving age in America to 18.  What do you think?  Should the driving age be raised to 18? Write an essay to convince the legislature of your position in the matter of raising the driving age to 18.

35. Most school systems have a separate school for pregnant teens to keep them away from other teens and to give them special classes to help them raise their babies.  Do you think that pregnant teenagers should have to attend a special school, or do you think that they should be allowed to remain in their current school?  Write an essay to convince your reader of your point of view.  Should pregnant teenagers have to attend a special school?  Alternative for younger students: Many school systems have special schools for students who misbehave all the time and disrupt the classroom so that little learning can take place.  Do you think this is a good idea?  What is your opinion?  Write an essay to convince your school system of your point of view.

36. Many students object to the requirement of taking P.E., saying that it is not necessary.  What do you think?  Should physical education remain a required course at your school?  Write an essay to convince your principal of your point of view. (Note:  You can substitute any unpopular course here.)

37. American teenagers have argued that they drink anyway even though it is illegal for them to do so.  Adults feel that they are too young to drink alcohol.  Should the drinking age be lowered?  What do you think about this?  Think about some teens that you know.  Think of some arguments to support your opinion.  Now, write an essay to convince your reader of your opinion on whether the drinking age should be lowered or not.

38. In recent years, there has been much controversy over the previously solemn ritual of high school graduation.  Students (and parents) at some graduation ceremonies have become rowdy and playful.  What do you think of this?  Should high school graduation continue to be the solemn occasion it has been in the past, or should students (and parents) be allowed to yell and “cut up” during the ceremony?  Write an essay to convince your graduation committee of your opinion concerning the matter.  Should graduation be a solemn occasion?  Alternative for younger students: Some schools have graduation ceremonies in the fifth and eighth grade before students have completed their education.  What do you think of this? Should students have graduation ceremonies before they finish all of their education or not?  Think of some reasons to support your opinion.  Now, write an essay to convince the reader of your point of view.

39. You hear the older generation complaining that they wished they had watched what they ate when they were younger so they wouldn’t have the health problems they have as older persons.  What do you think of this?  Should teens (children) watch what they eat?  Should young people be health-conscious and eat healthily even though they have few health problems now?  Write an essay to convince your reader on your point of view on whether or not children should watch their health through their choices in food.

40. Teachers and educational experts say that TV is rotting the mind of today’s youth.  They maintain that young people watch far too much television.  Do you think this is true?  Do you think that children watch too much television?  Should parents restrict the number of hours their children watch?  Write an essay to convince your parents of your point of view on this issue.  Should parents limit your TV viewing?

41. Years ago, in some cities, there were separate public schools for girls and boys, especially at the high school level.  Boys went to one school and girls went to another nearby, an entirely different school.  Do you think this is a beneficial idea?  Should boys and girls attend separate schools?  Write an essay to persuade school officials whether or not they should separate boys and girls into different schools.

42. Most teens (children) complain that they get too little allowance. What do you think?  Should you get more allowance?  Think of some arguments to raise your allowance.  Now, write an essay to the adults in your home to convince them to raise your allowance.

43. In many households where teens reside, possession of the family car is a conflict.  How would you convince your parents to lend you the car?  Think of some arguments you could use.  Write an essay to convince the adults in your home to lend you the car whenever you want it.  Alternative for younger students: In many households where there are children, there are many arguments over the use of the telephone.  How would you convince your parents to get you a phone of your own?  Think of some arguments you could use.  Now, write an essay to convince your parents that you need a phone of your own.  (Note:  If some of your students have no phone in their home, perhaps they could convince parents to buy an outfit or handheld video game that their parents could afford.)

44. Students complain about having too much homework.  Do you think this is true?  Do your teachers assign too much homework, or do they not give you enough for you to learn the subjects?  Write an essay to convince your teachers either to give you more or less homework.

45. Test scores show that the United States is educationally behind other developed countries in Europe and Asia.  We need to take a course of action to improve our education.  Some think that the school year should be extended year-round with only short breaks between semesters.  Others think it would not help.  What do you think? Write an essay to persuade the reader of your opinion on the matter. Should the school year be lengthening?

46. Many people think that smoking is a dangerous habit that kills many from lung cancer.  They think that cigarette smoking is not only dangerous for the people who smoke, but also for others around them. They think that the tobacco companies lure young people into smoking (convince young people to smoke) with their clever advertisements. Do you think that smoking should be made illegal?  Do you think that no one should be allowed to smoke at all?  Or, do you think the choice of smoking should be up to the individual person?  What is your opinion?  Take a stand.  Should all smoking be banned and made illegal? Write an essay to convince the reader of your point of view.

47. In the 1920’s it was illegal to sell or to drink alcohol.  Today alcohol still causes many problems for the people who drink and for their families.  There are also many deaths caused by people (teens) who drink and drive.  Should alcohol be made illegal again?  Would making it illegal solve some problems, or would it impinge (limit) the rights of adults to do what they want to do?  What do you think?  Should the sale and drinking of alcohol again be made illegal?  Write an essay to convince the reader of your point of view.

48. Many people are convinced that violence on TV influences children and teens to be violent in real life.  Do you think that this is true?  Do you think that the violence on TV is responsible for increased violence among today’s youth?  Take a stand on this issue and write an essay to convince your reader of your position on whether TV causes violence in real life.

49. Some schools in the United States are requiring that students volunteer for several hours each semester to help on a community problem.  What do you think?  Write an essay to persuade your reader of your point of view on whether students should be required to volunteer for several hours each semester to help on a community problem.

50. School dress codes often cause conflict among students and teachers. If you were on a committee of teachers and students to set the dress code at your school, what one item of your dress code would you argue to allow students to wear?  How would you convince your fellow committee members to accept your idea to allow students to wear this item?  Now, write an essay to convince your fellow dress-code committee members that the clothing item you chose be allowed at your school. (Note:  Conversely, {to be contrary} you could have a prompt to argue one item of clothing that should not be allowed at your school.)

51. Your local TV station is going to hire a student reporter for the evening news program, and you would like the job.  Think about your local evening news program and why you should be chosen as the student reporter.  Now write an essay to convince your local TV station to hire you as their student reporter.

52. The drama teacher is selecting students to act in a play about famous people.  Think of yourself and some of your friends.  Think who would be best suited to act in such a play and why they would be good at it. Now write an essay to convince the drama teacher to use that person in a play.

53. A national organization is honoring a teacher.  Who should that teacher be?  Think of some of the excellent teachers you have had in the past or have this year.  Pick one whom you think should be honored by this award.  Think of some reasons why you picked this teacher. Now write an essay to convince the national organization to honor the teacher you picked.

54. The School Advisory Council has money to spend in one of the following ways:  improving the cafeteria, buying computers, getting interesting speakers for assemblies, or taking field trips.  Pick one of these choices and think why you chose it over the others.  Now write an essay to convince the School Advisory Council why they should spend their money on the choice you suggest.

55. The City Council wants a teen as a member to represent your age group.  Think of yourself and the teens you know.  Who would make an excellent representative on the City Council?  Think of some reasons why you chose this person.  Now write an essay to convince the City Council to select your choice.

56. Imagine that your school does not have a school newspaper.  Your principal wants to begin one.  Is a school newspaper a good idea? What do you think?  Write an essay to convince your principal of your point of view.

57. A good friend of yours is thinking of moving to your town.  Think of some attributes of your town that would appeal to your friend.  Now write an essay to convince your friend to move to your town.

58. Imagine that you had a friend who ate only junk food, and you know that this is not good for him or her.  Think of some reasons why eating junk food is not good for people.  Now write an essay to convince your reader of your opinion.

59. A movie director is looking for teens to act in a movie that will be set in your town.  Think of yourself and all the teens you know.  Who would you choose to act in this movie?  Think why you would choose this person.  Write an essay to convince the movie director of your choice.

60. If your school is going to grant your grade level one privilege that other grades in your school will not have, what should that privilege be?  Think of one privilege that you would like to have that you do not have now.  Think why your class should be granted this privilege. Write an essay to convince the administrators of your school to grant this privilege to your class for the rest of the year.

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