Thanksgiving Decoding Worksheets (free!)

My students seem to love to decode things, so I made these 3 Thanksgiving worksheets for decoding. I count them as logic practice. Each code has multiple versions so you can select the one most appropriate for your class. The versions are: the easy version (A- might work for 2nd/3rd grades with teacher scaffolding?), medium version (B- might work for 3/4th grades?) and a hard version (C- might work for 5th/6th grades?). Click here for the entire collection: Thanks Decoders 1-3 PDF  Happy Turkey Day!




Code 1:What is blue and covered with feathers? A turkey holding its breath!
Code 2: Why did the turkey play drums in his band? Because he already had drumsticks!
Code 3: When the Pilgrims landed, where did they stand? On their feet!

Fun and Easy Thanksgiving Dice Game

Super simple Thanksgiving game! Print one for each player and start rolling a dice. Whatever number you roll is a section you can color in. First to color their entire turkey wins. Click here for the printable worksheets: Thanksgiving dice game PDF Enjoy!

Click here for more fun and free Thanksgiving stuff for kids!

St. Patrick’s Day Number Patterns (free worksheet!)

Do some number patterns practice with this math worksheet for lower grades. The kids should write the missing number in the shamrock and then use the space below the number sequence to explain how they knew what number was missing.  Enjoy!

Click here for the free printable PDF: St. Patrick’s Number Patterns

Valentine’s Day Number Patterns (free worksheet!)

Free math worksheet for lower grades.  Have students write the missing number in the heart, and then explain how they knew the answer (on the blank lines). Click here for the free printable PDF: Number patterns Happy Valentine’s Day!

Click here for more free math stuff!

Winter/Holiday Number Patterns (free worksheet!)

A great holiday math worksheet for lower grades! Right click the worksheet below, choose “save image as” to save it to your computer.

Thanksgiving Word Search (free worksheet!)

Thanksgiving Word search STICKER

Need a fun activity for your fast-finishers? Try this free Thanksgiving word search page for kids! Click here: Thanksgiving Word search

How To Download Awesome Fonts… For Free!

Technology can be intimidating sometimes. Most of the time, all you need to figure it out is for someone to give you simple, step by step directions. One of my teacher friends requested that I write up how to get free fonts for your computer, so I thought I’d share it with you. There are lots of places/ways to get free fonts to download, but here’s one way.

Lil’ Squarehead’s way:

  1. Make a temporary folder on your desktop called “fonts”. You can delete is when you’re done with this project.
  2. Go to
  3. Browse fonts and find one you like (or 2000 that you like). There are categories at the top that sort the different styles of fonts. I don’t know if the ones labeled “demo” work as well, I haven’t gotten all the kinks worked out with this yet…
  4. Once you’ve found the font you like, click the red “download” button to the right of the font you’ve chosen.
  5. Another window will probably pop up, asking you where you’d like your computer to save the font file. Choose your temporary font file on your desktop.
  6. Once it’s saved, it will be in a compressed zip folder. You’ll need to unzip it before you can install it
    1. Right click the file, click “extract all”
    2. Another window will pop up asking where you want to save it. Don’t change anything. Just click ok.
    3. This will create a duplicate file, but the new one will be unzipped so you can access the stuff inside.
    4. Delete the old compressed file (the one with the zipper on it).
  7. Now you have the new font downloaded in an unzipped, regular folder. Open the folder and you’ll see between 1-3 files. The one you want is a “Open True Type Font” file or a “True Type Font” file. Right click on this and click “install”. (Depending on your computer user profile settings, you might need to enter an administrator password).
  8. Now your file is installed in the computer in the place where all the fonts are stored (more technical than I’m gonna worry about).
  9. Once you’ve installed all the fonts you want, delete the files (remember they’re on the computer’s font list) and the temporary fonts folder on your desktop.
  10. Smile and enjoy your fonts!

Thanksgiving Number Patterns (free worksheets!)

Yay for Thanksgiving! Worksheet 1 is for younger grades and involves simple number patterns. Worksheet 2 is for upper elementary grades and involves more difficult number patterns. Enjoy!

Click here for the worksheet: Thanksgiving number patterns 1 PDF

Answers- #1: 4; #2: 16, 22; #3: 13; #4: 42; #5: 5120, 20480

Click here for the free PDF: Thanksgiving number patterns 2 PDF

Click here for more free math stuff and here for more free Thanksgiving stuff for kids!