Valentine’s Day Jokes (Parts of Speech Worksheet)

Valentine's Day Jokes- POS STICKER

This was kind of a random idea I thought I’d throw out there and see what happened. I made a parts of speech worksheet where kids need to identify nouns and adjectives in jokes. This proved to be more interesting than anticipates, as jokes don’t always follow standard conventions. But it sure provided a great opportunity to discuss how the same word can be different parts of speech depending on how it’s used. I recommend this for mid-level grades ans upper elementary.

Check out the printable PDF: Valentines Jokes- POS
Valentines Jokes- POS answer key

Click here for more Valentine’s Day freebies and click here for more parts of speech freebies!

Lovely Friends Classroom Note Exchange

Friendship Notes STICKER

I take every opportunity I can to promote friendship among my students.  I encourage lots of compliments and positive thoughts. So when Valentine’s Day comes around, I really push the friendship idea! When I saw this idea, I thought it was fabulous! Run off a bunch of copies of this page and let your students give compliments to each other!

Click here for the free printable Valentine notes PDF: Lovely Friend Hearts

Valentine’s Day Grammatical Poetry

Another holiday means more effort to keep kids focused on learning! Why not use this free printable language arts Valentine’s activity to disguise grammar review and poetry?! Click here for the PDF: Grammatical Poetry- Valentines Day

Here’s what the page looks like:

Grammatical Poetry- V Day


Click here for more grammatical poetry!

Valentine Crafts for Kids

Looking for some fun Valentine crafts to do with your class? Check out these ideas:

Click here to see an awesome collection of Valentine animal crafts!


Give kids a bunch of pre-cut hearts and let them make something creative. (source)


Make a 3D heart wreath using strips of construction paper and ribbon (source).

Candy Thank You Notes for Teachers & Staff

A fellow teacher recently showed me this thank you note she had received at Christmas time.

Candy Card- original

It made me think of a few things:

  1. How good it feels to be appreciated.
  2. How many people it takes to run a good school.
  3. How I show my appreciation to those I work with.

I’ve created this thank you printable (3 color options: blue, green and pink) to make it easier to show your appreciation to your fellow faculty and staff members. I know I don’t always have the budget or time to get a gift for each person who helps me in my job (librarian, cafeteria staff, maintenance staff, office workers, aides, etc.). So if you’re like me, feel free to print this page and attach some goodies (Snickers, Smarties and peanuts/any peanut candy). Be sure to write the recipient’s name in the blank space at the bottom. (These are also great for PTA/PTO groups doing teacher appreciation day.) Spread the love and your school will be all the better for it!

Green candy thank you notes

Click here for the printable thank you’s:
Blue Candy Thank You Notes for Faculty-Staff
Green Candy Thank You Notes for Faculty-Staff  (St. Patrick’s Day note?)
Pink Candy Thank You Notes for Faculty-Staff  (Valentine’s Day note?)

Word Warp- Valentine’s Day

Fast finisher or whole class activity for Valentine’s Day. How many new words can you make out of “valentine cards”? Fun as teams or individual… (you can play like the family game, Scattergories, if you want). Click here for the free printable PDF: Word warp V-day

Word warp  V-day

Valentine’s Day Grammar (free worksheet for 3rd grade and up)

This grammar practice worksheet seems a bit too tough for the younger grades, so I’d suggest using it for 3rd grade and up. I know it’s hard to do super educational stuff on a day like Valentine’s Day when all the kiddos are wound up, but maybe this will help. Click here for the free printable PDF: Valentine’s day grammar worksheet PDF  Happy heart day!

Valentine's day grammar worksheet

Silly Valentine’s Day Poems for Grammar Practice (free worksheets)

Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy these silly poems and some grammar practice! Click here for the free printable PDFs: poem 1    poem 2    poem 3

V-Day Grammar- poem 1V-Day Grammar- poem 2

V-Day Grammar- poem 3